For Christmas this year I gave my friends the gift of relaxation. I know that the holidays are very stressful so I thought I would give them something to help. I made homemade bathsalts with essential oils in them. I made two groups, one for sore muscles and one for relaxation. I had such good feed back that people started to ask me more about it.
I put them in little zip-lock bags and then made a cute label on them with ingredients (just in case someone was allergic to salt - wink) and how to use. I printed them out on the computer.
It was a very easy and inexpensive gift.
Here is the recipe:
Effective, Easy, and Fun Essential Oil Bath Salts
2 Cups Baking Soda
1 Cup Sea Salt
3 Cups Epsom Salt
(All above ingredients can be found at your local grocery store)
DoTerra Essential Oils
In a large mixing bowl add all of the above ingredients with the exception of the essential oil(s). Mix with your hand or a large spoon. After all of the ingredients are well mixed begin to add essential oils until the desired scent is achieved. The best way to determine if enough oils have been added is simply by using your own judgment. Bath salts should be strongly scented so fewer salts will be required for each bath, which will enable them to last longer. (Usually 12 drops of a high quality essential oil would be enough to scent the entire recipe above.)
Bath salts are inexpensive, easy and fun to make. But, they are also fun to use. Bath salts are perfect to make for you or to give as a gift to friends and family. After a long day at work, taking care of the family or running errands, there is nothing like a luxurious bath to wash away your cares and all of the stress deriving from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Bath salts contain soothing scents and comfort that will leave you feeling refreshed and full of life.
Important Note: Some bath products, which are found in the marketplace, may contain harsh ingredients that could irritate the skin. However, by purchasing bath salts ingredients carefully and making them yourself, you will have the peace of mind in knowing that your bath salts are perfectly safe to use.
Thank you for this recipe! I am going to make these with my group of girls I teach at church for a mother/daughter activity! I am wondering which specific oils you used for the salts?
Any way you would mind sharing your label with me?
I would sure appreciate it!
Thank You for sharing your recipe! I'm Hubby and I are going on a two night get away this weekend. I'm going to make bath salts to take with us for the spar. What a treat. Thinks!!
About how many "servings" does the recipe make? And how many ounces of salts fit in that bag you used?
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